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5 October 2011

Another few days

Well, the weeks somehow are just flying by. This week I have been feeling a bit down, and a bit overwhelmed. Ashleigh, with her usual impeccable timing, has been in Derby all week and we have done gossip and tea and companionable knitting and somehow that really does make things so much better. :)

The girls had friends staying all of last weekend - nine of us in this small house! - and that was fabulous. We had a bonfire, ate jelly beans, watched Harry Potter, and baked bread together.
The five little girls wrote a play and performed it, painted themselves with ashes from the fire pit, climbed the willow tree, and all went to Sunday School together (which Jenna's friend declared to be JUST like real school haha). They ate roughly hourly, but at least went to bed at reasonable hours and slept like little angels! :)
This week, well. We have walked miles and miles. Been to the library. Gone swimming, and eaten out with Ashleigh (who also took poor Rowan shopping for shoes as she has outgrown her last pair and had been temporarily demoted to booties until Martin's pay comes through)!
The girls have drawn around Morgan and painted the cardboard as Franken-Morgie for the theme park ride they are designing.
They have tried to make their own mud bricks (again) and read a whole host of different stories (my voice is giving out)!
I have made cream cake. And knitted. Did I mention the knitting?
And cried a fair bit too. The hormones are just *crazy* right now. But, I have friends, and cake, and knitting, and a wonderful wonderful family. The current set of disasters and concerns will pass, in time. (Though, speaking of time, it is speeding by so fast we are only two months from welcoming our baby!)

(I know this is weeks in a row now but I can't share finished projects right now: spoilers! Shh! But this is what I'm about to start knitting with, some of the beautiful hand-dye merino we did months ago. It's a baby gift for my sister in law Nusha, whose baby *might* just be named Arwen. *grins*)


  1. Such happy fun filled days, I don't know how you do it sweet mama!

    The cake, knitting and a special friend visiting is just what you need right now. Time is marching and I can't believe you're on the "home straight".

    With love and keyboard hugs to you all

    San and co xxxx

  2. Lol I don't know how we're hanging on here some days - I don't know how you do it either because I imagine health worries would put us over the edge right now! (hugs)


Penny for your thoughts? :)