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15 July 2009

The good bits

There are always good bits (it's one of those mantras like "this too shall pass"). Even on days (weeks) when it takes effort to recognise them.

The room re-organising and tidying looks GOOD. And is actually working - making the toys easier to access. Helpful side effect, less whining and more of the quiet indoor type of creative play that takes much less energy to supervise and doesn't require me to help when I'm not feeling helpful.The henna is lasting much longer this time so we are all still wonderfully decorated. Every time I look down at my vine-encircled wrist I remember my friends, and I remember what motherhood means to me. I will never be in this moment again and if I only take note of how dark I'm feeling I will miss so much... This is Jenna's:We have been harvesting our own fruit and veg again, and gathering more wild greens. Jenna does NOT like Dandylion. But then, she doesn't like lettuce either, so getting her to eat raw greens is somewhat amazing (Fat Hen is her favorite). The spinach-like leaves of Good King Henry are also rather good wilted, with garlic mushrooms on toast.Even the rain clouds bring their silver lining... Rain pictures (drawn in felt tip, or if you're feeling more adventurous painted with watercolours, and then left outside to be rain-splattered so that the colours run)! And little wellies, traipsing in and out of the garden bringing in mud and caterpillars and more mud. (picture by Morgan)Yes, there are always good things. I feel so out of touch with it most of the time this week. So I'm trying to hold on to the joys, be more concious of them, recognise that I'm not in this tunnel forever. There is a light...

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